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KRAFT MONEY (INH300008535 , PROPRIETOR ADITYA MISHRA ) is engaged in the business of providing Research Services & distribution of Research Reports .

KRAFT MONEY (INH300008535 , PROPRIETOR ADITYA MISHRA ) is registered as a Research Analyst under SEBI (Research Analyst) Regulations, 2014. SEBI Reg. No. INH300008535


The Research report is issued to the registered clients. The Research Report is based on the facts, figures and information that are considered true, correct and reliable. The information is obtained from Annual Reports, publicly available media or other sources believed to be reliable.

The report is prepared solely for informational purpose and does not constitute an offer document or solicitation to buy or sell or subscribe for securities or other financial instruments for clients.


KRAFT MONEY (INH300008535 , PROPRIETOR ADITYA MISHRA ) or its research analysts, or his/her relative or associate has any direct or indirect financial interest in the subject company.: NO

KRAFT MONEY (INH300008535 , PROPRIETOR ADITYA MISHRA ) or its research analysts, or his/her relative or associate has any other material conflict of interest at time of publication of the research report. : NO

KRAFT MONEY (INH300008535 , PROPRIETOR ADITYA MISHRA ) or its research analysts, or his/her relative or associates have actual ownership of one (1 %) or more securities of the subject company. : NO


KRAFT MONEY (INH300008535 , PROPRIETOR ADITYA MISHRA ) or its associates have received any compensation from the subject company in the past twelve months. : NO

KRAFT MONEY (INH300008535 , PROPRIETOR ADITYA MISHRA ) or its associates have managed or co-managed public offering of securities for the subject in the past twelve months. : NO

KRAFT MONEY (INH300008535 , PROPRIETOR ADITYA MISHRA ) or its associates have received any compensation or other benefits from the subject company or third party in connection with the research report: NO


The research analyst has served as an officer,director,employee of the subject company.: NO

KRAFT MONEY (INH300008535 , PROPRIETOR ADITYA MISHRA ) or its research analyst has been engaged in market making activity for the subject company. : NO

KRAFT MONEY (INH300008535 , PROPRIETOR ADITYA MISHRA ) or its or associates have received any compensation from the subject company in the past twelve months. NO


This Research Report (hereinafter called report) has been prepared and presented by KRAFT MONEY (INH300008535 , PROPRIETOR ADITYA MISHRA ), which does not constitute any offer or advice to sell or does solicitation to buy any securities. The information presented in this report, are for the intended recipients only. Further, the intended recipients are advised to exercise restraint in placing any dependence on this report, as the sender, KRAFT MONEY (INH300008535 , PROPRIETOR ADITYA MISHRA ), neither guarantees the accuracy of any information contained herein nor assumes any responsibility in relation to losses arising from the errors of fact, opinion or the dependence placed on the same.

Despite the information in this document has been previewed on the basis of publicly available information, internal data, personal views of the research analyst(s)and other reliable sources, believed to be true, we do not represent it as accurate, complete or exhaustive. It should not be relied on as such, as this document is for general guidance only. Besides this, the research analyst(s) are bound by stringent internal regulations and legal and statutory requirements of the Securities and Exchange Board of India ( SEBI) and the analysts' compensation was, is, or will be not directly or indirectly related with the other companies and/or entities of KRAFT MONEY (INH300008535 , PROPRIETOR ADITYA MISHRA ) and have no bearing whatsoever on any recommendation, that they have given in the research report.

KRAFT MONEY (INH300008535 , PROPRIETOR ADITYA MISHRA ) shall not be in any way responsible for any such loss or damage that may arise to any person from any inadvertent error in the information contained in this report. KRAFT MONEY (INH300008535 , PROPRIETOR ADITYA MISHRA ) has not independently verified all the information, which has been obtained by the company for analysis purpose, from publicly available media or other sources believed to be reliable. Accordingly, we neither testify nor make any representation or warranty, express or implied, of the accuracy, contents or data contained within this document.

We hereby declare, that the information herein may change any time due to the volatile market conditions, therefore, it is advised to use own discretion and judgment while entering into any transactions, whatsoever. Individuals employed as research analyst by KRAFT MONEY (INH300008535 , PROPRIETOR ADITYA MISHRA ) or their associates are not allowed to deal or trade in securities, within thirty days before and five days after the publication of a research report as prescribed under SEBI Research Analyst Regulations. Subject to the restrictions mentioned in above paragraph, we and our affiliates, officers, directors, employees and their relative may:
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